scuplture bronze Franco Pizzi Address Sculptures Biography
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  Milena Milani Rev. by Milena Milani reviews page 2  
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  From the catalogue personal exhibition – Gallery “8,75” – Reggio nell'Emilia (Italy).

scultura The annals of Tibetan wisdom recount that a monk named Lao Tseu one day stopped in petrified bewilderment in front of his fellow Song's vibrating and lithe sculptures and let slip this praising remark: “Brother Song rather than devoting himself to the creation of forms mostly worries about the air around them”. Franco Pizzi, an artist from Piacenza, graduated at “Paolo Toschi” Institute of Parma, does the some.
This seems atypical, seen that traditional sculpture strived to capture space, to engulf the air and remodel turough the ductility of forms, the solidity of expanding volumes and the heaviness of a matter that, althought it is rended light the breath of art, it is is firmly rooted 'in the eart' and has its retribution from void, that is to say from nothing................
On the contrary, Franco Pizzi's flowers, animals and people float with "their heads in the clouds": not only because of the dreamy sweetness of some of is paintings (il contatto) whose subjects seem lost in a private tale, but mostly thanks to the fact that they aim at flying up, and do it. When they float, defying gravity that links them to the earth, their material, bronze or terracotta, melted by the contact with the atmosphere, crumble and draw up air and light, opens up into fan-shaped from which doesn't kill the volume of forms bat the contrary it expands and inflates it letting it free to fluctuate like a breeze..................This is why,instead of structures solidly carved in space by chisel we have sculptures that seem painted in it wich an expressionistic and informal touch.
Some of his polymorphous shapes and twisted laminaes evoke Leoncillo's turgid forms. sculptureSome of his flowers remind us of the organic-like volutes of Ans Arp. He means no dramatic tone or polemic intent: he has an unconscious regard for late-Romanticism and its lyric languors and for an utopian idea of society which finds his champion in Medardo Rosso, and a modern sympathizer in Franco Pizzi...........
Pizzi doesn't aspire to capture eternity, or, more to the point: he prefers to eternalize an istant, the flash of an expression, a movement, a throb of life right before their disappearing. He knows that this is the only certitude we have.

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Art, a neverending gift.
By the paper “Il gazzettino di Venezia” (1991) – personal exhibition at Cortina d'Ampezzo.

monumenti ..........I sometimes thought that flowers, in their sublime shapes might grow, get bigger, become sculptures, monuments. Everything had already been invented, it existed on earth, in the sunlight. You only had to be able to look, absorb those contents, those lines, so new, elegant, sensitive and the “flower-sculptures” would have a long life for everybody's joy. monumentsIn the shade of stamen and pistils of the heavenly stems, of sweet calyxes, I would be peaceful because I had found my shelter, that blossomed and steady oasis that would have no ending, no decay. The sculptor Franco Pizzi, a visionary artist, has made my desire his own and he has fulfilled it without my knowing it and now with his “wax model to lose” fusions he offers to me and to everybody his golden bronze sculptures, unique examples that have the lightness of real flowers, of dreams with unusual names: water lily, periwinkle, edelweis,lily of the valley, poppy, sunflower............ il complesso degli organi di riproduzione delle piante Fanciful words, sweet syllables that I say spellbound, because I remember what my father used to say and also the painter Filippo de Pisis who knew Latin and had the right name for every flower, never making any mistakes. De Pisis after used to paint flowers, once he painted a watercolour for me with some zinnias in a glass; he gave it to me in Venice as we were in his studio at San Barnaba. Flowers have got many powers and the “flower-sculptures” double them, They make them hundreds. In Cortina d'Ampezzo where double them, They make them hundreds.Franco Pizzi displays his works there is this vague mistery of sexuality. The flowers are the reproduction organs of the phanerogam plants, different male fimale organs, hidden inside, but also showns, visible tender and proud at the same time;monuments the heart of life, the flash of poetry and imagination. Franco Pizzi has spiritualized them as if they had a musical halo, a persistent thrill of notes something that detached from structures to comunicate with the supernatural world. Rapture? Or burning fire, we don't ask for any explanations, I too accept what I see, because we don't know how transformations take place, through inscrutable roads. The roads of art, a nervering gift.

Cortina d'Ampezzo, november 29 1991

Photo – "Ragazzi del Brentei" Monument (Piacenza).

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